Andrea L. Watson: Founding Publisher and Editor
Andrea Watson’s poetry has appeared in Nimrod, Rhino, Cream City Review, Ekphrasis, International Poetry Review, Memoir, and The Dublin Quarterly, among others. She has designed and curated eighteen ekphrasis events of poetry and art across the United States, commencing with Braided Lives: A Collaboration Between Artists and Poets, sponsored by the Taos Institute of Arts, which traveled to Denver, San Francisco, and Berkeley. Other shows include Interwoven Illuminations, featured in Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review; The Sacred Blue; Frida-Fractured; Threaded Lives, with its book, Poems from the Fiber World; and Fragments: Poets and Artists of the South and Southwest. She is co-editor of Collecting Life: Poets on Objects Known and Imagined and of Malala: Poems for Malala Yousafzai, published by FutureCycle Press, the proceeds of which are dedicated to the Malala Fund for Girls’ Education.